Lessons from my Junior Year

My plan for this blog was to reflect on the many lessons I have learned over the past 8 months at Penn State. It has been quite a year of opportunities and experiences and I have learned so much both inside of the classroom and out. But the more I thought about the things I have learned, the more I kept coming back to one lesson.

One lesson that I learned over and over again this year. One lesson that applied to every situation I found myself in. One lesson that I know I will rely on for the rest of my life.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Oh, this verse, my verse, my mantra, what it has gotten me through.

This year has been hard, it has been stressful, overwhelming, emotional. Not to say that there were no good moments, there were many, but this year has been the hardest of my life.

Yet, sitting here today and reflecting, it is so clear to me that God’s plan for me is good and that He is in control. Through every late night, long week, and meltdown, He was with me. Through every success, laughter- filled day, and wonderful memory, He was there.

This year, more than ever, I have learned to trust in the Lord. Trusting in Him hasn’t made things perfect or easy but it has gotten me through it. Through the days where I felt like I couldn’t do anything right, the tough phone calls, and awfully- timed broken laptop, I trusted Him.

This year, God has reminded me time and time again that He is always with me and when I am walking with Him, He will make my paths straight.

It has been a hard year but it has been a good year. God is good and I am trusting in Him every step of the way. As I pack up and prepare for Finals Week, I can't help but wonder what my senior year will hold. The one thing I do know is that regardless of the trials I face, I will trust in Him to get me through it. 
